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Bladder Care Diary

Totally free
Handy Toolkit
Doctor approved

What is a bladder diary?

A bladder diary is a simple chart which allows you to record the fluid you drink and the urine you pass during the day and night, as well as document if you have urgency and/or accidental urine leakages.

How can a diary help?

  • Gather data for you and your GP

  • Pinpoint behaviours you can change

  • Ground observations with patterns

How to use it?

Complete it over 3 days (not necessarily consecutive) prior to your clinic appointment

3 day diary
Written by doctors
Easy tracking
Prepare for GP visit
Practical tips and tricks

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Clinically proven to improve bladder strength, day and night.

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Odour-free, scrunch-free, worry-free. For the occasional sneeze or laughter-leak.

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Everyday Pads

Ultra-thin, super-soft and fully-compostable. For medium leaks and trickles.

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