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Kate Dyson

Kate is an award-winning content specialist who is passionate about women's health. Kate writes to empower women to understand their hormones, gynaecology and overall health.

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For words you might want to know more

Magnesium-Rich Foods

ngredients like pumpkin seeds, quinoa, and leafy greens that contain magnesium can help reduce bladder spasms and support muscle relaxation, making them ideal for managing overactive bladder symptoms.

Low-Acidity Diet

Choosing foods low in acidity, such as pumpkin, butternut squash, and carrots, helps minimise bladder irritation and supports urinary health for those with overactive bladder.

Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition characterised by a sudden and frequent urge to urinate, often accompanied by involuntary bladder contractions, which can impact daily activities and quality of life. Managing it involves dietary and lifestyle adjustments to reduce symptoms and support bladder health.

The Best Foods to Boost Your Urobiome for Better Bladder Health

A little secret that not many of us know enough about when it comes to our bladder health is the urobiome - or the urinary microbiome.

Relatively new research indicates that understanding the urobiome may be essential for our bladder health, because just like gut microbiome, the bladder has its own delicate balance of bacteria that helps to maintain a healthy environment. When the balance of the urobiome is disrupted, it can contribute to recurrent urinary tract infections, irritation, and general bladder discomfort.

So can we look after the urobiome in the same way we do our gut microbiome? Supporting our bladder with foods and drinks that contain beneficial bacteria, anti-inflammatory properties, or compounds shows benefits to our overall health and the urobiome.

Let’s take a look at some foods we can start to incorporate into our daily diet to support the urinary microbiome and give our bladder a boost. 

1. Kefir

Packed with probiotics, Kefir is a fermented drink that may support both gut and urinary health. While yoghurt is a familiar part of our diet, kefir contains a broader range of live cultures, including strains that may help to balance the bladder microbiome. Since the gut and bladder microbiomes are closely linked, a healthy gut can have a knock-on effect on bladder health.

Choosing an unsweetened kefir with no added sugars is the best option, as excess sugar can encourage the growth of unwanted bacteria. If the tangy taste is a little strong, it can be blended with berries or used as a delicious base for smoothies.

2. Cranberries

Cranberries are well known for soothing urinary issues, and for good reason! They contain compounds called proanthocyanidins, which can help prevent certain bacteria from sticking to the bladder lining. While this won’t actually ‘cure’ a UTI, regular consumption of cranberries may support a healthier urinary tract environment.

Opting for unsweetened cranberry juice or adding fresh cranberries to meals is the best way to get the benefits without the added sugars often found in flavoured cranberry drinks. If the tartness is too much, mixing it with water or adding it to a smoothie can make it more enjoyable.

3. Asparagus

Did you know that aside from just making our pee smell strongly, asparagus is in fact a natural prebiotic food, meaning it helps feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut and urinary tract? 

The small trade-off for a strong pee smell is worth it for its benefits to bladder health, and it’s an easy vegetable to include in meals as it’s particularly delicious when steamed, roasted, or added to salads.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Ah, our beloved pumpkin seed! These unassuming little seeds are a powerhouse for our urinary system. Rich in magnesium, zinc and essential fatty acids, all of which play a role in bladder function. Magnesium, in particular, can help with bladder muscle relaxation, which may be useful for those experiencing urgency or sensitivity.

These little seeds are also a great source of antioxidants, which help to protect cells from inflammation. A small handful as a snack, sprinkled over porridge, or blended into smoothies can be an easy way to include them in the diet. Some people may struggle to eat a high amount of pumpkin seed and get a tummy ache, so it’s good to know that Jude’s Bladder Control Supplement contains 71 seeds in each daily dose. A simple way to boost the benefits of pumpkin seeds!

5. Green Tea

Green tea contains natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may support the urinary tract. If you find that caffeine triggers your bladder, green tea may be a soothing alternative for you to try, and the good news is that it is packed with polyphenols, which help to reduce inflammation in the bladder lining and make it a good choice for those experiencing sensitivity or irritation.

Unlike black tea, green tea has a lower caffeine content. Choosing a decaffeinated version is an option if caffeine does irritate your bladder. 

6. Fermented Vegetables

Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kimchi are rich in probiotics, which can support the gut and urinary microbiomes. A well-balanced microbiome is key to preventing infections and maintaining bladder health, and regularly consuming probiotic foods can help strengthen this balance.

Adding a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi to meals is an easy way to include more beneficial bacteria in the diet and make a nice little side dish to your meal. For some people, the strong taste can take a bit of getting used to, so start with smaller amounts and eat with your favourite foods. 

Making small changes to our diet can be a powerful way to support bladder health. While no single food is a cure-all, including more probiotic-rich, anti-inflammatory, and nutrient-dense options can help maintain a balanced urinary microbiome. It’s important to remember that lifestyle is only part of the solution to bladder weakness, leaks and urgency - and speaking to your GP is an important part of the journey to better bladder health.

Jude’s clinically proven supplements give you better bladder and pelvic floor control, helping you sleep through the night and regain the freedom to live life on your own terms. With just one capsule morning and night, you'll have relief from need-to-go urgency in just 12 weeks.

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